
Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics
  Freshness Box Office ($M)
Valid 31 31
Missing 0 0
Mean 0.272 78.206
Std. Deviation 0.201 49.593
Minimum 0.000 2.300
Maximum 0.790 162.000


To produce a boxplot, we can use the "Descriptives" module, go to the "Plots" menu, and tick "Boxplots". We can then add the data points by clicking "Jitter element" (just as a bonus).


Box Office ($M)

Bayesian Correlation - Two-sided

In the Bayesian correlation analysis, we start by specifying which variables we want to include in our analysis. JASP will then output the table below, which shows the correlations and Bayes factor for all pairs of specified variables. Since we only have 2 variables, we only see a single correlation (since we only have a single pair).

Bayesian Pearson Correlations
Variable   Freshness Box Office ($M)
1. Freshness Pearson's r
2. Box Office ($M) Pearson's r -0.029
BF₁₀ 0.226

Bayesian Correlation Pairwise Plots

In order to take a closer look at a specific pair of variables, we can go to the submenu "Plot Individual Pairs". Here we can drag variables into the variable box to make pairs of variable, which are then analyzed closer. For instance, below we have a scatter plot and prior/posterior plot for the specific combination of "Freshness" and "Box Offoce".

Freshness - Box Office ($M)

Prior and Posterior

Bayesian Correlation - One-Sided Positive

In order to investigate the one-sided hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between the two variables, we can use a one-sided positive alternative hypothesis. This hypothesis only predicts positive values for the correlation. This is reflected by the prior distribution (it has no mass for negative values of the correlation). We use the default prior distribution shape, which is the uniform distribution (stretched beta width = 1).

Bayesian Pearson Correlations
Variable   Freshness Box Office ($M)
1. Freshness Pearson's r
2. Box Office ($M) Pearson's r -0.029
BF₊₀ 0.199
Note.  For all tests, the alternative hypothesis specifies that the correlation is positive.

Bayesian Correlation Pairwise Plots

Freshness - Box Office ($M)

Prior and Posterior
Bayes Factor Robustness Check

Bayesian Correlation - One-Sided Negative

Bayesian Pearson Correlations
Variable   Freshness Box Office ($M)
1. Freshness Pearson's r
2. Box Office ($M) Pearson's r -0.029
BF₋₀ 0.252
Note.  For all tests, the alternative hypothesis specifies that the correlation is negative

Bayesian Correlation Pairwise Plots

Freshness - Box Office ($M)

Prior and Posterior