Psychologists Tasting Beer

Short description: Each participant was given two cups of Weihestephan Hefeweissbier (randomized), one cup with the regular variety, one cup with the non-alcoholic version. Participants had to indicate which cup contained the alcohol, the confidence in their judgment, and an assessment of how much they liked the beer. Specifically:

  • AlcBeerFist: 1 = alcoholic version was tasted first; 0 = alcoholic version was tasted second. This is not likely to matter, as participants were allowed to sample the cups at will.
  • CorrectIdentify: 1 = correct, 0 = incorrect.
  • ConfidenceRating: Assessment of confidence in the identification judgment on a scale from 0 (complete guess) to 100 (certainty).
  • AlcRating: Taste rating for the regular, alcoholic version, on a scale from 0 (worst beer ever) to 100 (best beer ever).
  • NonAlcRating: Taste rating for the non-alcoholic version, on a scale from 0 (worst beer ever) to 100 (best beer ever).

Below follows an analysis using the binomial test to make inference about the proportion of correct responses.

Bayesian Binomial Test - Two-Sided

Bayesian Binomial Test
  Level Counts Total Proportion BF₁₀
CorrectIdentify 0 15 57 0.263 112.646
  1 42 57 0.737 112.646
Note.  Proportions tested against value: 0.5.

Inferential Plots

CorrectIdentify - 0

Prior and Posterior

CorrectIdentify - 1

Prior and Posterior

Bayesian Binomial Test - One-Sided

Bayesian Binomial Test
  Level Counts Total Proportion BF₊₀
CorrectIdentify 0 15 57 0.263 0.035
  1 42 57 0.737 225.258
Note.  For all tests, the alternative hypothesis specifies that the proportion is greater than 0.5.

Inferential Plots

CorrectIdentify - 0

Prior and Posterior
Sequential Analysis

CorrectIdentify - 1

Prior and Posterior
Sequential Analysis

Bayesian Binomial Test - Confident Prior

Bayesian Binomial Test
  Level Counts Total Proportion BF₊₀
CorrectIdentify 0 15 57 0.263 4.676e-4
  1 42 57 0.737 80.228
Note.  For all tests, the alternative hypothesis specifies that the proportion is greater than 0.5.

Inferential Plots

CorrectIdentify - 0

Prior and Posterior

CorrectIdentify - 1

Prior and Posterior