
Bayesian Independent Samples T-Test

Bayesian Independent Samples T-Test
  BF₋₀ error %
ConfidenceRating 2.520 ~ 7.758e-4
Note.  For all tests, the alternative hypothesis specifies that the location of group 0 is smaller than the location of group 1 .

Inferential Plots


Prior and Posterior
95% Credible Interval
  Group N Mean SD SE Lower Upper
ConfidenceRating 0 15 64.733 23.963 6.187 51.463 78.003
  1 42 77.000 19.967 3.081 70.778 83.222


Raincloud Plots


Bayesian Paired Samples T-Test

Bayesian Paired Samples T-Test
Measure 1   Measure 2 BF₊₀ error %
AlcRating - NonAlcRating 22208.762 NaN
Note.  For all tests, the alternative hypothesis specifies that AlcRating is greater than NonAlcRating.
ᵃ t-value is large. A Savage-Dickey approximation was used to compute the Bayes factor but no error estimate can be given.

Inferential Plots

AlcRating - NonAlcRating

Prior and Posterior
95% Credible Interval
  N Mean SD SE Lower Upper
AlcRating 57 56.605 20.255 2.683 51.231 61.980
NonAlcRating 57 36.333 22.122 2.930 30.463 42.203


Raincloud Plots

AlcRating - NonAlcRating

Raincloud Difference Plots

AlcRating - NonAlcRating