
S.S. Bayesian Independent Samples T-Test

In the Summary Statistics module, we can obtain a Bayesian result, based only on the observed test statistic and sample size. Here, the t-statistic is 2.02 and the sample sizes are 92 and91, for the flag and control group, respectively. Below we see the results of the two-sided analysis, including a prior/posterior plot.

Bayesian Independent Samples T-Test
t n₁ n₂ BF₁₀ error % p
2.020 92 91 1.059 3.377e-6 0.045

Prior and Posterior

Bayes Factor Robustness Check

S.S. Bayesian Independent Samples T-Test - One-Sided

Bayesian Independent Samples T-Test
t n₁ n₂ BF₊₀ error % p
2.020 92 91 2.062 7.878e-5 0.022
Note.  For all tests, the alternative hypothesis specifies that group 1 is greater than group 2.

Prior and Posterior

Bayes Factor Robustness Check